Monday, February 22, 2010

Natural Beauty

We are created as beautifully as flowers...
All unique in color,
unique in design, in intricacies and wonderfully scented.
The wonderful sent comes from the warmth of love in our hearts. Our bright beautiful colors are seen in our eyes. The intricacies of our design are evident when we touch.
We are beautiful flowers meant to bless someone else with our presence.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Don't Give Up!

There's one thing I know... God is in control.

There are days when I look inward and all I see is how flawed and imperfect I am. Over a vast amount of time, I 've discovered that this particular type of introspection is usually sparked by what is happening around me . Maybe someone knows what I mean... the whispering, cessation of conversation when you enter the room, the negative vibes you get from the people around you. In all of this, there is one important thing to remember. The surroundings and the conditions we find ourselves in at the moment are not our destination. All the muck and mire are only distractions designed to help us exercise our faith! Who are we going to believe... the destroyer of life -or- the Creator of Life?
Believe me when I say there will always be days when we want to cut our losses and run, but instead of running, remember these words:
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
These words are from the scriptures of Jeremiah 29:11.

They came to me a month ago on one of those days when I was contemplating running. They were sent to me attached to a text message from my sister. When the message was sent to me, I didn't really understand what significance it was supposed to have. After dealing with some issues and reading those words today, I see the significance. That scripture was and still is encouragement for all of us who wrestle to escape the box that the world wants to put us in. God has a GOOD and HOPEFUL FUTURE for us without the world's limitations. We must not allow the world to make us do ourselves in anymore than we can allow the world to do us in. No matter how difficult circumstances become, DON'T GIVE UP! The best is yet to come!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


We are to count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptations,
knowing that those temptations bring about patience in our lives.
Rejoicing in our pain is not an easy thing to do. I, personally, find
it to be the most difficult task I face daily. Can anyone help make
this easier? My heart is in need of healing today.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Today is a new beginning-
A new opportunity to live life to the fullest-
Living life to the fullest means discovering your purpose and fulfilling it- here and now.
Looking ahead and not behind.
Learn from the past, don't re-live it.